"The Secretions are men of peace in a world of mayhem. They are poets and onanists and bloodsucking freaks. They are punk rock."

- Joe Queer of the Queers
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Monday, September 8, 2008

Secretions Art by Groundchuck

During the R5 show on Saturday, legendary Sacto punk Groundchuck (pictured with Mickie at left) presented Mickie with this awesome chalk drawing he'd done.

Groundchuck is well known for riding his bike around town and leaving awesome murals on the sidewalks all around town. He's also in Sacramento punk band MDL and is a former member of Pollution Circus (a Bay Area band from the Gilman days). Next time you see him, yell out "Hi Grounchuck!" and introduce yourself. He's pretty cool.

Send in your Secretions art or homemade stuff, I wanna see it!

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