Our Secretin of the week - uh - definitely stands out in a crowd. His name is Drew, but you probably know him better as Spooge the Clown. We've been emailing back and forth lately because he wants to join the Secretin Life Line staff as a photographer and occasional writer. I love doing the Life Line, but it's a lot of fucking work and I'm absolutely thrilled to have someone interested in pitching in here and there. So, Drew is at the top of my "THE SHIT LIST", meaning he's the shit, not on my shit list - there's a difference. Here's a little bit about the man behind the nightmare inducing mask.Name: Drew, Andy, Hey You, Weirdo, Psycho
Alter Ego: Spooge the Clown
Age: 21
City: Roseville
School: ABC Bartending School
Favorite Secretions Song: Very hard question...but I'd have to say Freaks Like Us
Favorite Secretions Cover: I Can Make You A Man off the Rocky Horror Punk Rock Show
Favorite Secretions Album: Faster Than The Speed of Drunk! It came with a bottle opener!
Favorite Secretions Video: That Kinda Girl... followed closely by Freaks Like Us (Live at the Garage Sale)
Favorite Secretion: Danny! Definitely Danny!
When did you first see the Secretions? A long time ago, I don't even remember the very first time cause I was always drunk at the shows and saw them every time they played around here.
Describe your favorite Secretions related memory. I don't really have one... They've all been pretty fucking awesome!
Do your parents know you're a Secretin, how do they feel about it? They know...my mom is very supportive. My stepdad just thinks I'm nuts.Do you have a favorite Secretions related picture? Yeah... Yeah, I do. (Meeting Danny)
You dress as Spooge the Clown at shows, when did it start and why do you do it? The story of Spooge is a long one...I came up with Spooge the Clown to scare people, and it went very well.
Then one night, sitting in line to get in to the Boardwalk, the idea of dressing up at the shows came to me. A month or so later, Punk Rock Academy, the original Punk Rock Academy on Howard 93.7, came along and I thought it would be awesome to be the mascot for it, so I emailed Andy Hawk and told him about myself and that I would love to be the mascot for Punk Rock Academy.
I did that for a while until Jack bought out Howard and Punk Rock Academy went off-air. That didn't stop me from still going to the shows dressed up though, I was doing it before, and I'll be damned if wasn't going to do it after cause it's such a blast being thrown around in the pit dressed a clown.How long does it take to get the makeup/costume on? It depends on if I'm in a rush...I like to take my time but sometimes I lose track of time. 20-30 minutes if I'm rushing/40-50 minutes if I"m taking my time, but that also allows me time to smoke and drink.
Has anyone ever tried to kick your ass or anything for wearing the costume? Not that I remember, usually everybody loves it! Who doesn't love a clown? I mean come on...
What do you want to see on the Secretin Life Line or what ideas/items do you want to contribute? Merchandise on the site...cause I need to get a new Secretions shirt cause I lost my last one in San Francisco. Also, I think music videos would be a good touch. I think the Secretin Life Line should have it's own myspace too...Just an idea. Cause everybody and their mom has myspace. What do I want to contribute? Pictures, and lots of them cause I'm excited as all hell to be a photographer for the Secretin Life Line!
What are your top five favorite albums ever and why?
Secretions - Attention Deficit Disorderly, it was the first Secretions CD I got, plus I love the extra live stuff at the end of Love of My Life
Green Day - 1029/Smoothed Out Slappy Hour, I love Green Day but early Green Day is the best
Short Music for Short People, I love short songs cause they don't drag out, so even if you don't like it, it'll be over soon. Plus it has Tilt and Green Day and so many other great bands!
Rent - The Soundtrack, I know it's cheesy but I love the movie and the soundtrack
I can't think of another top album, cause so many are running through my head, but I will tell you the first CD I ever bought. It was Savage Garden's self titled CD, it was in Elementary school out of one of those book fair catalogs.
What's something most people don't know about you? I'm shy
What's the worst tattoo you've ever seen? Probably the one Steve O has on his back of himself.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Secretin of the Week - Andrew (Spooge the Clown)
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1 comment:
Dude, I used to LOVE Savage Garden. CD catalog for me too.
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